Day 3:
Last Friday, I introduced the North Pole Project to my class with the press release about the major earthquake at the North Pole, and a letter enlisting the students help in designing and rebuilding to insure Christmas Eve deliveries will take place as scheduled. This anticipatory set had the students buzzing about the assignment and eager to get started on Monday morning. Here's a link if you would like to read more about this:
Associated Press Newsflash:
Major earthquake has struck the North Pole! All inhabitants have been relocated to Red
Cross Emergency Centers, and will not be able to return for any reason, until
the entire area has been rebuilt!
For those who believe in Santa
Clause this may have a slight impact on Christmas deliveries.
We will keep you updated on any
news developments.
On Monday, the students were given the elves' requirements for the North Pole design. They began the process of laying out the location of the various requirements, trying to honor the requests of the elves. The focus here was creativity. This seemed quite easy, and the students were happy with their designs. You can read more about this at:
Yesterday, we added the reindeer' requirements to the mix. This is when the students began to realize that they were going to have to categorize items, and move things around a bit. Some problem solving was required, but they worked through it and were pleased with their results. You can read more about this at:
So what did I have up my sleeve today? Well revision of course! Revision is not just for writing, and I find that it is easier to get my students to truly revise their writing when I have them practice the skill in other areas as well.
The students were given the requirements of Santa & Mrs. Clause. This was a much larger list, with quite a bit more specifics. Unfortunately, there is no way to meet all of these requirements without doing some substantial revision. Things must be moved to meet these new specifications. I wonder how that happened?
Often in writing, students are quite attached to the words on their page, and they just can't seem to bring themselves to change them. But with this project, the new requirements are fun and such an integral part of the North Pole community. The students just dig in without a single complaint!
The students will need to get their designs approved and then they will be able to begin building tomorrow. I'll let you know how their designs look tomorrow - I'm anxious to see them myself!